


由于COVID-19大流行, the 医学院 has changed the policy regarding prerequisite courses taken online. We will now accept online prerequisite courses completed at an accredited college or university, whether these were taken prior to the pandemic or any time afterwards. 

医学院的学习建立在医学预科水平的科学和数学的坚实基础之上. Beyond the successful fulfillment of these basic prerequisites, 招生委员会考虑申请人本科教育经历的整体质量和范围. 本科学习的专注领域和选择额外的科学和数学课程是学生的个人选择,不会影响录取过程.

除了以下详细的学术要求, we seek candidates who evidence the following characteristics:

  • 学术
  • 领导
  • 服务,同情和人文主义
  • 多样性
  • 团队合作能力(或作为团队的一部分)


State Authorization Disclosure Regarding Educational Prerequisites (PDF)

The following general requirements must be met by all applicants:

I. 标准化考试.

The Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) is 要求 for acceptance. The MCAT must be taken no later than September in the year the application is submitted. The oldest MCAT considered will be four years prior to date of expected matriculation. For students entering in Fall 2023, the oldest acceptable MCAT is 2019.


II. 需要从认可机构的学术工作.

(As listed on “Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education,’’ authorized and published by the American Council on Education, 杜邦环岛西北一号, 华盛顿, D.C. 20036.)

The 医学院 accepts prerequisites completed at the community college level. 为了在选拔过程中具有竞争力, 我们鼓励具有社区大学先决条件的潜在申请人在他们的四年制大学学习相关科目的高级课程来补充这些课程. 霍普金斯大学采用全面审查程序来选择申请人进行面试,并在审查中考虑许多因素. These factors include the rigor of the applicant’s course of studies, 成绩, 医学院成就测试的分数, 临床和研究经历, 推荐信, personal statement and the applicant’s 下standing of medicine. 除了, 我们考虑申请人所采取的导致他们申请医学院并成为一名医生的道路.

学生的本科学院可接受的大学先修课程(AP)和国际学士学位学分可用于满足生物学的先决条件, 化学, 物理, 微积分/统计数据 and up to one-half of the Humanities/Social, 行为科学. AP and IB credits must be documented on an official transcript. Please 不e the additional requirements for 生物学 and 化学 listed 下面.


  • 不接受为满足医学预科课程要求而修读的扩展课程或夜校课程,除非这些课程与学院常规学术课程中提供的课程相同
  • 在国外大学的准备工作必须辅以在美国认可的大学一年或更长时间的工作.  Please 不e that this is 不 a requirement for applicants whose bachelors degree was received in Canada.
  • Prerequisites do 不 need to be completed to apply but must be completed by August 1, 就在约翰·霍普金斯大学录取之前. Until successful completion of the requirements, acceptance is considered conditional
  • 为满足入学要求而提交的所有课程必须根据传统的评分系统进行评估. Such a system must employ a range of numbers or letters to indicate the comparative level of performance
  • CLEP credits may 不 be substituted for any course requirement


3. 理学学士(理学学士.S.)或文学学士学位(B.A.获得认可机构的学位.


I.  沟通技巧.

Required course work will include at least two writing-intensive courses, 哪些是人文科学或社会/行为科学的课程,可以算作人文科学和社会科学的24学时要求的一部分. 要求该学生具备准确、流利的英语口语和书面沟通能力. It is strongly recommended that the student achieve basic conversational skills in a foreign language.

II. 团队合作技能.

医学是一项需要通力合作的事业. The applicant must demonstrate the ability to work successfully with others toward a common goal. 因此,在申请人的学术和/或课外活动中,需要团队合作的重要经验是必需的,并应在申请中记录.

3. 入学条件.

Students admitted to the 医学院 on a conditional basis (i.e., 要求(s)尚未完成)必须在医学院入学之前满足这些条件.

IV. 推荐信:

  • 委员会的信 (要求 if your college/university has an officially designated committee or advisor). 由健康前委员会或顾问撰写,旨在代表您所在机构对您的评估. A committee letter may or may 不 include additional letters written in support of your application; - OR -
  • 信包: A packet or set of letters assembled and distributed by your institution, 通常由学校的就业中心提供. - OR -
  • Two (2) letters from faculty members in science departments who taught you are 要求 if the college/university you have attended does 不 have a Committee/Advisor 来自非科学学院的一(1)封信 是谁教你的. 除了信件, applicants with advanced degrees or significant postgraduate work experience of one year or more, are 要求 to send recommendations from each component of their education and major work experience.

除了 to those letters 要求 for application to the 医学博士项目, two additional 推荐信 are 要求 for all MD-PhD applicants. These letters are typically from faculty with whom the applicant has done research.

V. 班.S. 公民申请.


VI. 应用程序检查.

在收到所有所需证件后, the Committee on Admission will review applications and make interview decisions. Applicants selected for interview will be 不ified by the committee.  虚拟面试将根据具体情况进行考虑,并且必须得到招生助理院长的批准. Notification of acceptances are made between late fall and mid spring.






Due to the intensity and integration of our four-year curriculum, the 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院 is unable to accept transfer students.


Admitted students may request to defer their matriculation by April 15. 延期委员会将单独考虑申请,通常会批准研究延期, 学术课程(研究生课程), 奖学金)或服务项目. 通常允许延期一到两年.


请参阅 更新的技术标准


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