Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear medicine 是罗素H. Morgan Department of 放射学与放射科学 that utilizes radioactive material to assess the function of organs or systems within the body. 核医学和分子成像部(DNMMI)的使命是引领发现, teaching and application of methods in precision health for justly distributed and improved patient-centric care.

核医学有助于诊断和治疗许多疾病, such as cancer, heart disease and infection by looking at organ function to get deeper molecular signatures in health and in disease. Techniques or modalities such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) administer small amounts of radioactive substances to the patient that serve as radiotracers.

这些放射性示踪剂绘制出器官功能图,可以塑造成功能或分子图像. 这不仅仅是一个器官的图片, 而是包含可以分析和呈现的数据的图像. 这是一个定量的(可测量的)图像. 这些独特的图像提供了使用其他成像程序通常无法获得的信息, such as CT or MRI, 并提供了在早期阶段识别疾病的能力.

Patient Care

我们的团队每年进行各种各样的程序,结合个性化护理, 专业的知识和先进的技术.

For our diagnostic services, we offer state-of-the-art, 精密成像技术与专家解释相结合,提供无与伦比的患者护理.


Recent technical advances have resulted in the combination of SPECT and PET scanners together with X-ray computed tomography (CT) in a single camera system. These hybrid systems yield maximal information and a complete set of pictures within a single noninvasive imaging study, 通过整合核成像的分子信息和CT的形态学信息. Combined with approved radiopharmaceuticals these technologies allow clinical translation of quantitative molecular imaging of the brain.

Quantitative molecular brain imaging at the highest possible standard is thus available for the workup of suspected or known diseases of the brain such as dementia, epilepsy, tumor and Parkinsonism.

Nuclear Cardiology Imaging

延续其在生物医学成像领域的领导地位, the Johns Hopkins Division of Nuclear Medicine has recently enhanced and expanded its services with the most advanced nuclear imaging systems and additional expert clinicians. The novel SPECT/CT and PET/CT scanners now incorporate the most modern PET and SPECT detection methods with state-of-the-art multi-slice X-ray CT to increase diagnostic accuracy.

We offer cardiac imaging at the highest possible standard for the workup of suspected or known cardiovascular disease. Our program is continuously updated through incoming developments from our cardiovascular research program.

An unparalleled spectrum of nuclear imaging methods information can be provided even in the most challenging cases, 根据可靠的诊断和预后信息,指导进一步的临床决策. 事实上,对于我们的服务来说,没有哪个推荐十大正规网赌平台的块头太小或太大.

PET Center

Positron emission tomography (PET) is a specialized radiology procedure that uses molecular imaging to track and trace both normal and abnormal conditions. PET是最先进的核成像技术, 允许高分辨率成像和绝对定量的生物机制.


Lilja Solnes, MD MBA

  • 核医学和分子成像主任
  • 放射学与放射学副教授


Aligning with the mission of Johns Hopkins Medicine to improve the health of the community and the world by setting standards of excellence in clinical care, research and education, the DNMMI conducts research and develops educational programs and procedures to supply patients with the best and most innovative care.

DNMMI研究实验室,包括平移分子成像中心, advances nuclear medicine and molecular imaging through pioneering discoveries and translational research performed by our research faculty and physician-scientists. Our experts continually discover new imaging agents as well as repurpose existing agents in novel and exciting ways. For example, DNMMI正与泌尿科密切合作, Genitourinary Oncology, 和放射肿瘤学来发现前列腺癌的治疗药物, DNMMI药物已经在世界范围内发放,以帮助患者控制这种疾病.

DNMMI目前与美国国立卫生研究院等合作伙伴合作, key industrial partners, and academic collaborators worldwide to create programs to develop agents beyond the standard agents for PET and SPECT. 这些合作有助于促进新的医学成像技术的发展, disease treatments and interventional procedures from basic discovery to clinical trials – including therapeutic trials. The division produces hundreds of publications yearly and garners millions in research funding as well as strong commercial ties and an extensive patent portfolio.


目标是培养下一代分子成像领域的领导者, 约翰霍普金斯大学创建了放射学和核医学的住院医师联合培训项目.

Residents gain outstanding clinical training and participate in cutting-edge research programs that prioritize moving molecular imaging from laboratory-based studies to clinical translation of new imaging and theranostic agents and techniques. Learn more about the program

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