Sleep Medicine Fellowship Program

Physicians standing while smiling

约翰霍普金斯大学医学院提供为期12个月的睡眠医学临床奖学金项目,该项目由研究生医学教育认证委员会认证. 在过去的30年里,该项目培养了许多博士后. 该奖学金提供广泛的课程,培养学员成为学术睡眠医学和临床实践的杰出委员会认证专家. 该项目将包括约翰霍普金斯医院和约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心在内的一系列纵向门诊诊所与睡眠专科诊所相结合,提供多样化和有益的临床培训体验. 不同的培训领域包括门诊和住院成人和儿童睡眠医学轮转与我们的多学科教师, including continuity practice experiences; review of polysomnography, home sleep testing and other sleep-related diagnostic studies; participation at conferences including core curricular lectures, weekly case conference, journal club and research conference; and elective time allowing for a concentrated experience in adult or pediatric sleep disorders.

Clinical Program

Physicians reviewing data

临床培训计划包括一系列纵向门诊和实验室经验, 以及为期两个月的轮岗,旨在扩大研究员对睡眠医学专业领域的接触.

每位研究员将参加约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心和约翰霍普金斯医院的成人和儿童睡眠医学诊所. Specialty sleep clinics in ENT, dental, neurology, psychiatry, 行为心理学和肺部医学将补充他的纵向临床经验. Finally, 该研究员将花大量时间在儿科和成人睡眠实验室工作, learning how to conduct, analyze and interpret sleep studies, portable monitoring studies and actigraphy. 研究员还将积极参与广泛的睡眠系列讲座, journal club, 研究研讨会和跨学科的案例会议.

Research Program

Physicians reviewing an instrument

In 2006, 医学研究所的一份报告强调了在睡眠医学方面培训以学术为导向的医学调查人员的任务(见国家学术出版社), 2006, “Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation: An Unmet Public Health Problem”). 该报告敦促“所有学术健康中心努力发展或将当前的睡眠活动转变为跨学科的睡眠项目”. There is too much at stake—a large patient population, 高水平的诊断不足和不作为造成的高公共卫生代价.”

获得额外研究培训的研究员将在教师导师的指导下从事与睡眠医学相关的项目. A broad range of projects and mentors are available in the basic sciences, translational biology, or clinical physiology and epidemiology.

In pursuing their research project, 该研究员将在科学调查的各个方面获得接触和训练. Each fellow will learn how to formulate a cogent research plan, 准备一份研究方案(供机构审查委员会或动物护理和使用委员会使用), conduct research, 分析发现并在研究研讨会和国家会议上展示这些发现. 该研究员还将获得准备奖学金申请和至少一份原始手稿的经验.

Fellowship Faculty

Fellowship faculty members span the Departments of Anesthesiology, Medicine, Pediatrics, Neurology, Psychiatry, Dentistry and ENT Surgery. Collectively, 教师的教学学术兴趣反映了睡眠医学的全面广度和深度. 下面提供了每个部门内教师的学术活动和研究兴趣的简要列表.



Christy Gray, MD PhD

  • Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine

Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine


Psychiatry and Behavioral Psychology



教师积极参与评估和管理患者 snoring and sleep-disordered breathing,特别强调儿科患者和有鼻病理的患者.   

Kevin Motz, M.D.


Steven Scherr, D.D.S.

How to Apply

由于COVID-19大流行,根据国家和约翰霍普金斯大学研究生医学教育委员会的指导方针, all interviews will be conducted virtually. 有关面试过程的信息将提供给被选中的候选人. 我们计划在九月和十月对候选人进行面试.

合格的奖学金候选人将完成内科住院医师项目, family medicine, neurology, psychiatry, pediatrics, otolaryngology, anesthesiology, 或专科培训,如成人或儿童肺部医学的奖学金.

约翰霍普金斯睡眠医学奖学金项目参与了国家住院医师匹配项目. Applications will ONLY 通过电子居留申请服务(ERAS)在线接受. Please check the ERAS 和NRMP网站获取有关申请提交和比赛相关信息的具体信息和时间表, respectively.

In addition to the information required by ERAS, 请通过电子换证系统在网上提交以下申请:

  • Current curriculum vitae (CV)
  • 三封推荐信(包括最近的项目主管的推荐信)
  • Dean’s letter or Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE)
  • Medical School Transcript
  • USMLE Scores
  • ECFMG certificate, if applicable

All applicant materials are reviewed, but only select applicants will be asked to come for an interview. 面试通常安排在9月和10月. Notification of selection for the fellowship will be through the match.

For more information or further assistance, please contact Cate Weaver, Sleep Medicine Fellowship Coordinator at [email protected]