Charitable Giving

约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的肾脏病科改变了人们的生活. Through skilled clinical care, practice-changing discoveries, 以及下一代肾病学家和内科科学家的教育, the faculty and staff of the Division work to cure kidney disease. 这些努力在一定程度上是通过同样致力于这一使命的捐助者的慷慨捐助才得以实现的.

Our successes in biomedical discovery, 教育和推荐十大正规网赌平台护理创造了一个小投资可以产生高回报的环境. With these goals in mind, we have highlighted several of our funds below. 捐赠也可以是为了其他一般的或特定的目标,或者是为了个别的教员, in the form of cash, employer matching gifts, donor advised funds, or estate/tribute giving over a period of time.


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Department of Medicine Development Office
[email protected]

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