Coarctation of the Aorta Transcatheter Repair

What is coarctation of the aorta transcatheter repair?

Coarctation of the aorta is an abnormal narrowing of the aorta. 主动脉是出心脏的大血管,为身体提供富氧血液. 经导管修复术是一种无需心内直视手术即可治疗主动脉异常狭窄的方法.

主动脉是连接心脏左心室的大动脉. The left ventricle is one of the heart’s 2 lower chambers. It pumps oxygen-rich blood through the aorta. 主动脉分支成更小的血管,这些血管通向身体的各个部位.

With coarctation of the aorta, 狭窄的区域通常是在上半身和下半身的供血分支之间. This can cause high blood pressure in the arms and head, and low blood pressure in the lower parts of the body.

Coarctation of the aorta is most often present from birth. The reason this happens is often not known. In some cases, it occurs along with other heart problems, such as an abnormal aortic valve or a small left ventricle. It can also occur along with Turner syndrome. In rare cases, 它可以在以后的生活中发生,如高须动脉炎等疾病.

经导管修复可以帮助恢复正常的主动脉血流. The procedure uses a thin, flexible tube called a catheter. At its tip is an inflatable balloon. 医生通过腹股沟的血管插入导管. 它一直延伸到主动脉,横跨狭窄的血管段. Then the balloon is inflated. This stretches the aorta and helps open it up. The blood can then flow freely in the aorta. 一种称为支架的网状管可以留在先前狭窄的主动脉部位. This is to help keep it open.

Why might I need coarctation of the aorta transcatheter repair?

主动脉缩窄也会导致高血压. Over time, 这可能会损害心脏,导致它变厚(肥大),导致心力衰竭. This makes the heart less able to pump blood out to the body. Untreated aortic coarctation can lead to severe health problems. 这些疾病包括冠心病、中风和主动脉夹层. 由于这些风险,医生建议一旦发现缩窄就立即治疗. If left untreated, there is a risk of death. Death can be the result of heart failure, aortic rupture, aortic dissection, endocarditis, brain hemorrhage, or heart attack.

经导管修复是一种替代开放手术治疗这种情况. 它的侵入性较小,可以缩短住院时间,加快恢复时间. But surgery may be a better option in some cases. This may include very young babies. It may also include people who acquired coarctation after birth, or have complicated coarctation, or who need other repairs as well. 和你的医生谈谈每个手术对你的风险和好处.


All procedures have risks. The risks of this procedure include:

  • Excess bleeding
  • Infection
  • Blood clot (which can lead to stroke or other problems)
  • Blockage or other complications to the femoral artery
  • Aortic aneurysm formation
  • Aortic rupture (rare)
  • 缩窄复发,需要再次手术

Stents can reduce the risk of certain complications. 然而,放置了支架的人有更高的机会需要后续手术. 和你的医生谈谈支架对你的风险和好处.

Your risks may vary based on your overall health, the severity of your coarctation, and other factors. Ask your doctor about which risks apply most to you.


和你的医疗保健提供者谈谈如何准备你的手术. Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take. This includes over-the-counter medicines such as aspirin. 你可能需要提前停止服用一些药物,比如血液稀释剂. If you smoke, you’ll need to stop before your procedure. 如果你需要帮助戒烟,请咨询你的医疗保健提供者.

You may need some tests before the procedure, such as:

  • Chest X-ray
  • Electrocardiogram, to assess your heart rhythm
  • 超声心动图,看收缩情况,心脏解剖和功能
  • 磁共振成像(MRI)或计算机断层扫描(CT)血管造影术, to get more images of the coarctation
  • Blood tests, to check your general health

手术前一晚午夜后不要吃东西或喝水. 告诉你的医疗保健提供者你最近的健康变化,比如发烧.


和你的医疗保健提供者谈谈在你的手术过程中会发生什么. A typical procedure may go like this:

  • 在手术开始前,会在你的手臂或手上静脉注射. You’ll be given sedation through the IV line. This will make you relaxed and sleepy during procedure.
  • Hair in the area of your procedure may be removed. The area may be numbed with a local anesthesia.
  • 医生会在你腹股沟的血管上做一个小切口. He or she will then insert a long, thin wire into this cut. The wire acts as a guide for during the procedure.
  • 然后,医疗保健提供者将在导线上插入一根细而柔软的管(导管). It has a tiny deflated balloon on the end. 导管将穿过血管一直进入主动脉. 连续x线图像可用于显示导管的确切位置.
  • 气球将在主动脉狭窄的部分内充气. This will stretch the area open.
  • A mesh tube called a stent may be left in place in the area. This will help keep the area open.
  • The balloon will be deflated, and the catheter will be removed.
  • The incision site in the groin will be closed and bandaged.


手术后,你将在恢复室待上几个小时. You may be sleepy and confused when you wake up. 你的医疗团队会观察你的生命体征,比如你的心率和呼吸. You’ll be given pain medicine if you need it.

手术后,你可能需要平躺几个小时,双腿不能弯曲. This is to help prevent bleeding from the incision site. You may be able to go home the same day. 你的医疗保健提供者会告诉你更多的情况.

回家后,你可能需要服用药物来防止血栓形成. 你可能需要短时间服用,也可能需要长时间服用. You may also need to take antibiotics. 您的医疗保健提供者会让您知道您的药物的任何其他变化. You can take pain medicine at home if you need it. Ask your healthcare provider which to take.

You can resume your normal activities when you get home. 但几天内不要做剧烈活动或举重. Your doctor may give you more instructions.

Your symptoms should get better right after the procedure. Make sure to keep all of your follow-up appointments. 这将帮助您的医疗保健提供者跟踪您的进展. Your doctor may order follow-up tests. These may include an electrocardiogram or an echocardiogram. You will also need lifelong follow-up care with a cardiologist. This is to watch for possible complications from the procedure. Some people will need a repeat transcatheter repair or surgery.


  • Swelling or pain that gets worse
  • Fluid or blood leaking from the incision site
  • Fever
  • Chest pain

Follow all of your healthcare provider’s instructions. 这包括任何关于药物、运动和伤口护理的建议.

在接下来的几个月里,你可能会在一些医疗或牙科手术后面临更大的感染风险. You may need to take antibiotics first. Ask your doctor if this applies to you.

Next steps


  • The name of the test or procedure
  • The reason you are having the test or procedure
  • What results to expect and what they mean
  • The risks and benefits of the test or procedure
  • What the possible side effects or complications are
  • When and where you are to have the test or procedure
  • 谁来做测试或程序,那个人的资格是什么
  • What would  happen if you did not have the test or procedure
  • Any alternative tests or procedures to think about
  • When and how will you get the results
  • 在测试或程序后,如果您有疑问或问题,可以打电话给谁
  • How much will you have to pay for the test or procedure

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