

An event monitor is a portable device used to record your heart’s electrical activity when you have symptoms. It records the same information as an electrocardiogram (ECG), but for longer durations of time. Most of these devices can transmit the recorded information directly to your healthcare provider. This allows him or her to analyze the electrical activity of your heart while you are having symptoms.

Normally, a special group of cells begin the electrical signal to start your heartbeat. 这些细胞位于窦房结(SA). This node is in the right atrium, the upper right chamber of the heart. The signal quickly travels down the heart’s conducting system on the way to the ventricles, 心脏的两个下腔. As it travels, the signal triggers nearby parts of the heart to contract. 这有助于心脏以协调的方式收缩.

ECGs and event monitors are used to help analyze this electrical signaling through the heart. These tests are very helpful in diagnosing a variety of abnormal heart rhythms and medical conditions. A standard ECG only records the heart signal for a few seconds, and it is not portable.

An event monitor is very similar to something called a Holter monitor. This is another portable device used to analyze the heart’s signaling. Holter monitors record continuously, usually for about 24 to 48 hours. 事件监视器不会连续记录. 相反,当你激活它时,它会记录下来. Some event monitors will automatically start recording if an abnormal heart rhythm is detected. 事件监视器可以佩戴一个月或更长时间.

There are two main types of event monitors: symptom event monitors and memory looping monitors. 激活症状事件监视器时, 接下来的几分钟, 它记录心脏电信号的信息. 内存循环监视器做同样的事情. 然而, it also records the information from a few minutes before the device was activated, 之前的数据, 期间和之后的症状将被捕获.


Sometimes a healthcare provider may suspect that you have an abnormal heart rhythm based on your medical history, 即使你的心电图看起来正常. Certain abnormal heart rhythms happen infrequently and temporarily. A random ECG is unlikely to pick up your abnormal heart rhythm if this is the case. 事件监视器可能是更好的选择. 这种方式, you can record your heart’s electrical activity when you are having symptoms from your abnormal rhythm. Wearing the event monitor can help determine whether you have an abnormal heart rhythm. If you do have an abnormal rhythm, the event monitor can help determine what type.

You may need to wear an event monitor if your heartbeat is abnormally fast, 异常缓慢, 或不规则. 如果你已经因为心律异常而接受治疗, 可以使用您的事件监视器来查看它的工作情况.

You may need an event monitor to evaluate certain kinds of temporary symptoms, such as palpitations. You might feel that your heart is beating too hard or skipping a beat. Dizziness and fainting are other symptoms that might be signs that you need an event monitor.


事件监视器是完全安全的. 它们不会引起任何疼痛. Sometimes the sticky patches used to attach the sensors to your chest can cause skin irritation.


Your healthcare provider will show you how to use your event monitor. There are different types of event monitors that all work in different ways.

Cardiac memory loop monitors have sensors that attach to your chest using sticky patches. Wires connect these sensors to a monitor, which you can usually put on your belt or in your pocket. Before you put your sensors on your chest, your skin should be free of oils, creams, and sweat. 在使用之前先清洁皮肤. 在使用之前,你可能需要刮掉该区域. 技术人员将向您展示如何放置电极.

Cardiac event recorders may not have sensors that attach to your chest, such as post-event recorders. 一些型号是手持的,而另一些则是戴在手腕上的. For some of these models, you need to push the button on your wrist when you feel symptoms. In other models, you need to hold the recorder up to your chest in order to record.



  • If you have a cardiac loop monitor, change your sensors as instructed.
  • 当您有症状时,按下按钮开始录制. (Some start recording automatically when an abnormal rhythm is detected.)
  • 在你这样做之后,停止移动. 这将有助于设备获得良好的记录. 该设备应记录几分钟.
  • 对于某些事件监视器, you will need to send your recordings over the phone to your healthcare provider.
  • 有人会检查你的录音. 在某些情况下,你可能需要去看你的医疗保健提供者.
  • 遵循所有关于锻炼的指示. 汗水会使传感器脱落.
  • 如果可以,避免可能破坏事件监视器的项目. 这些包括磁铁, 金属探测器, 微波炉, 电热毯, 电动剃须刀, 电动牙刷, 手机, 和ipod. You will receive specific instruction at the time the monitor is placed.
  • When you need to use an electronic device, keep it at least 6 inches away from the monitor.

在使用事件监视器时,您还需要记日记. Record any symptoms when they happened, and note what you were doing at the time. You may need to wear your event monitor for several days or up to a month.


Ask your doctor about what you can expect after you use an event monitor.

After a few readings, you may be able to stop wearing your event monitor. Your healthcare provider may use those readings to start your treatment. 在某些情况下,可能需要更多的测试. 后续测试可能包括:

  • 运动压力测试,看看心脏对运动的反应
  • 倾斜试验,如果你有晕厥
  • Electrophysiological testing, to get more information about the heart’s electrical signal
  • 超声心动图, evaluate the structure and pumping function of the heart



  • 测试或程序的名称
  • 你进行测试或程序的原因
  • 期待什么样的结果?它们意味着什么
  • 测试或程序的风险和益处
  • 可能的副作用或并发症是什么
  • 你在何时何地进行测试或程序
  • Who will do the test or procedure and what that person’s qualifications are
  • 如果你不做检查或不做手术会怎么样
  • 有没有其他的测试或程序可以考虑
  • 你何时以及如何得到结果
  • Who to call after the test or procedure if you have questions or problems
  • 你需要支付多少检查费用

