Doctor listening to patient lungs using a stethoscope
Doctor listening to patient lungs using a stethoscope
Doctor listening to patient lungs using a stethoscope

COVID-19 Lung Damage

Featured Expert:

Updated on February 28, 2022

Like other respiratory illnesses, COVID-19 can cause lasting lung damage.

Panagis Galiatsatos, M.D., M.H.S., is an expert on lung disease at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center and sees patients with COVID-19. 他解释了新型冠状病毒带来的一些短期和长期肺部问题.

“As we continue to learn about COVID-19, 我们对它在急性疾病期间和之后如何影响肺部有了更多的了解. 对于病毒正在进行的变种来说,情况尤其如此,”加利亚萨托斯说.

What does COVID do to lungs?

COVID-19 can cause lung complications such as pneumonia and, in the most severe cases, acute respiratory distress syndrome, or ARDS. Sepsis, another possible complication of COVID-19, can also cause lasting harm to the lungs and other organs. Newer coronavirus variants may also cause more airway disease, such as bronchitis, that may be severe enough to warrant hospitalization.

“As we have learned more about SARS-CoV-2 and resulting COVID-19, we have discovered that in severe COVID-19, 显著的促炎条件可导致几种严重疾病, complications and syndromes,” Galiatsatos says.

COVID-19 Pneumonia

在肺炎中,肺部充满液体并发炎,导致呼吸困难. For some people, 呼吸问题可能变得严重到需要在医院用氧气甚至呼吸机进行治疗.

The pneumonia that COVID-19 causes tends to take hold in both lungs. Air sacs in the lungs fill with fluid, limiting their ability to take in oxygen and causing shortness of breath, cough and other symptoms.

While most people recover from pneumonia without any lasting lung damage, the pneumonia associated with COVID-19 can be severe. Even after the disease has passed, 肺损伤可能导致呼吸困难,可能需要数月才能改善.

COVID Bronchitis

“In COVID-19-related bronchitis, this is an issue of an excessive amount of sputum produced in the airways, resulting in coughing and chest congestion. 痰也会使呼吸道变窄,使呼吸更加困难,”加利亚萨托斯解释说.

“As for the bronchitis, 患者在最初感染后可能会出现持续数月的咳嗽,” he notes. “这种频繁的咳嗽和持续的胸闷可能会影响一个人的生活质量.”

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

If COVID-19 pneumonia progresses, 更多的气囊会被肺部微小血管泄漏的液体填满. Eventually, shortness of breath sets in, and can lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a form of lung failure. ARDS患者通常无法自主呼吸,可能需要呼吸机支持来帮助体内氧气循环.

Whether it occurs at home or at the hospital, ARDS can be fatal. 从急性呼吸窘迫综合征中幸存下来并从COVID-19中康复的人可能会留下持久的肺瘢痕.


Another possible complication of a severe case of COVID-19 is sepsis. Sepsis occurs when an infection reaches, and spreads through, the bloodstream, causing tissue damage everywhere it goes.

“Lungs, 心脏和其他身体系统像管弦乐队中的乐器一样协同工作,” Galiatsatos says. “In sepsis, the cooperation between the organs falls apart. 包括肺和心脏在内的整个器官系统会一个接一个地停止工作.”



Galiatsatos notes that when a person has COVID-19, the immune system is working hard to fight the invader. 这可能会使身体更容易受到COVID-19之外的另一种细菌或病毒的感染——一种重复感染. More infection can result in additional lung damage. And, Galiatsatos points out, strikingly, 大约四分之一的严重COVID-19患者也有重复感染, meaning these patients will take more time to heal.

Three Factors in Coronavirus Lung Damage


Disease severity. “首先是冠状病毒感染本身的严重程度,即患者是否患有轻度病例, or a severe one,” Galiatsatos says. Milder cases are less likely to cause lasting scars in the lung tissue.

Health conditions. Galiatsatos says, “The second is whether there are existing health problems, 例如慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)或心脏病,这些疾病会增加患严重疾病的风险.” Older people are also more vulnerable for a severe case of COVID-19. 他们的肺组织可能缺乏弹性,他们可能因为年老而免疫力减弱.

Treatment. “Treatment is the third factor,” he says. “推荐十大正规网赌平台的康复和长期肺部健康将取决于他们得到什么样的护理, and how quickly.“在医院及时支持重症患者可以最大限度地减少肺损伤.

Can coronavirus patients lessen the chance of lung damage?

患者可以做一些事情来增加减轻严重肺损伤的机会, Galiatsatos says.

“If you have a health issue that puts you at higher risk, 确保你正在尽你所能减少感染病毒的机会. 此外,确保你的慢性健康状况得到了尽可能好的管理. For example, people living with diabetes, 慢性阻塞性肺病或心脏病患者应特别小心,通过监测和按照指示服用药物来控制这些疾病.”

加利亚萨托斯补充说,适当的营养和补水也可以帮助患者避免COVID-19的并发症. “Staying well fed is important for overall health. 适当的水合作用维持呼吸系统中适当的血容量和健康的粘膜, which can help them better resist infection and tissue damage.”

Finally, he stresses, 在感染时适当接种疫苗和加强接种有助于确保最佳结果.

 “虽然疫苗的免疫力使我们的免疫系统‘更聪明’,因为它有一本‘游戏手册’,可以在最小的附带损害下战略性地对抗病毒, the vaccine’s immunity may also help in the healing process as well. 不正常愈合通常见于以前未接种过疫苗的人. So while they survived the infection, the scars left from the coronavirus may be permanent in these patients.”

Coronavirus: Smoking, Vaping, Wildfire Smoke and Air Pollution

Man with mask pulled down, smoking.

Our expert, Panagis Galiatsatos, M.D., M.H.S. 讨论了吸烟、电子烟和空气污染如何增加COVID-19的严重程度. Learn about how each of these could affect a COVID-19 diagnosis.

Is COVID-19 lung damage reversible?

在严重的COVID-19病例后,患者的肺部可以恢复,但不是一夜之间. “Recovery from lung damage takes time,” Galiatsatos says. “There’s the initial injury to the lungs, followed by scarring. Over time, the tissue heals, 但一个人的肺功能可能需要三个月到一年或更长时间才能恢复到covid -19前的水平.

“Lung healing in of itself can produce symptoms,” Galiatsatos says. “这就像腿骨骨折一样,需要打几个月的石膏,然后石膏就掉了. 没有人会指望腿骨刚愈合就开始跑步. 随着腿部的加强和肌肉的重新生长,患者会因这种愈合而感到不适. This is what our lungs go through, too!”


“Again, staying up to date with COVID-19 vaccines, including boosters is key, not only to surviving COVID-19, but potentially to ensure the scars to the lungs are not permanent. But while the lungs are healing, it is important that COVID-19 survivors touch base with physicians, who can help them recover efficiently.

“一旦大流行结束,将有一群患者有新的卫生需求:幸存者. Doctors, 呼吸治疗师和其他医疗保健提供者需要尽可能地帮助这些患者恢复肺功能.”

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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What you need to know from Johns Hopkins Medicine.