
冠状病毒: Smoking, Vaping, Wildfire Smoke 和 Air Pollution



COVID-19通常会影响肺部,从而导致 肺损伤. 有吸烟史吗, vaping or exposure to smoke 和 air pollution affect the likelihood of COVID-19 — or of having more severe COVID-19 disease?

Panagis Galiatsatos at 约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心 是为COVID-19患者看病的肺病专家. He explains the impact of smoking 和 other lung irritants on people at risk from — or infected with — the coronavirus.



The relationship between smoking 和 the coronavirus is still unclear. According to the Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention (CDC), 当前吸烟者和有吸烟史的人 可能患严重冠状病毒病的风险更高.

Galiatsatos, a pulmonologist 和 critical care specialist who directs the 烟草治疗诊所 at 约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心, observes those effects firsth和. He 和 his colleagues recently completed meta-analysis showing that smoking raises the risk of severe coronavirus disease.

他说:“我们在吸烟者中发现了更严重的COVID-19病例。. “你的肺, 哪些在你的免疫系统的前沿, 每一次呼吸都在与环境互动吗.

“当你吸入香烟烟雾时, 细菌或过敏原, 你的肺会受到刺激, 和 that irritation unleashes the immune system to fight that irritation. A coronavirus infection on top of that means that your symptom response is going to be amplified.”

Though much more is to be revealed about the relationship between smoking 和 the coronavirus, there’s plenty we know now: Smoking is a proven risk factor for cardiovascular disease 和 肺部疾病,包括肺癌,再加上其他因素,这些因素可能会让你处于 出现严重COVID-19病例的风险更高.


这是可能的. 一项研究测试了4个以上,300 young people for the coronavirus 和 found that those who vaped regularly were five to seven times more likely to test positive. 有证据表明 电子烟对肺部有害, which might increase the risk of coronavirus infection or a more serious case of COVID-19.


  • 戒烟 如果你还没有. Remember that many people quit successfully after several tries. 和你的健康保健专业人士谈谈, apps 和 even medication can help support your commitment to quit smoking. “在烟草治疗诊所, we underst和 that a person’s dependence on tobacco is a medical problem, 这就是我们处理它的方法,加利亚萨托斯说. “We believe in support 和 encouragement, not trying to scare patients or make them feel ashamed.”
  • The same goes for vaping 和 using e-cigarettes: the coronavirus p和emic is a good time to stop. If you use vapes or e-cigarettes that contain nicotine, work with your doctor to break the habit.
  • If you’re a former smoker or vape user, don’t pick up the habit again. 学习更健康的方式 管理压力,改善健康 while the coronavirus p和emic keeps you from your normal activities.
  • 接种疫苗. Several COVID-19 vaccines have been authorized for emergency use among specific age groups by the U.S. 美国食品和药物管理局. 约翰霍普金斯医学院 views all authorized COVID-19 vaccines as highly effective at preventing serious disease, 住院治疗, 以及死于COVID-19.
    了解更多关于 冠状病毒疫苗安全性关于COVID疫苗,你需要知道什么.
  • 要特别警惕 冠状病毒症状 打电话给你的医生 如果你觉得不舒服.


可能. Smokers 和 e-cigarette users alike have to take their face masks off when they smoke or vape. 所以即使在泡芙之间, 如果他们在不知不觉中感染了冠状病毒, they might exhale contagious droplets 和 aerosols into the air, 会被附近的人吸入吗.

众所周知,二手烟会导致健康问题, 和 although there isn’t yet scientific proof that it can spread the coronavirus 和 cause COVID-19, 至少理论上是有可能的. “Secondh和 smoke can propel viruses into the air from the nose 和 throat,加利亚萨托斯说.

E-cigarettes also involve secondh和 “smoke,” since users exhale potentially infectious vapors. “电子烟会产生气溶胶, so they might be even more of a problem than combustible cigarettes in terms of spreading the coronavirus,加利亚萨托斯指出.

在室内吸烟或吸电子烟风险更大. 在封闭的环境中, 传染性飞沫和微粒会在空气中积聚, putting others in the room at risk if there’s no ventilation.

How to Protect Yourself from Secondh和 Smoke 和 E-cigarette Vapors

  • Avoid people who are smoking conventional or e-cigarettes, or vaping.
  • 保持身体距离, avoid indoor gatherings 和 steer clear of people not wearing masks, 尤其是在室内.


Smoking electronic cigarettes is often considered safer than regular smoking. Learn why vaping is still harmful, 和 why you should rethink taking it up.


森林大火, 哪些会在高温下发生, 干燥的天气, 向空气中释放大量烟雾, affecting not only local communities but entire states 和 even continents.

根据疾病预防控制中心的数据, 野火烟雾 contains gas 和 particles of burned trees, vegetation 和 buildings. Breathing in smoke can cause coughing 和 irritation to your respiratory system. 适合老年人, 孕妇, 肺病患者, 以及那些有感染COVID-19风险或正在康复的人, 吸入野火烟雾可能很危险.

Human behavior during wildfires 和 other environmental crises could add another factor, Galiatsatos说. “If a fire or other natural disaster causes families to have to leave their homes 和 shelter in a community area, 这让很多人聚在一起,他解释道. “That might make it hard to maintain at least 6 feet of physical distance, which could be a concern for people who are not fully vaccinated, 特别是如果该地区的COVID-19病例正在增加.”  


关注当地的报道和来自 U.S. 空气质素指数特别是如果您处于COVID-19风险或正在康复中. When surrounding air is unhealthy due to wildfires or any other air pollution, 待在室内,遵循以下步骤:

  • Use an air filter 和 adjust your air conditioner or heating system to re-circulate air instead of drawing air from the outside.
  • 不要吸烟,尤其是在家里.
  • 避免使用壁炉或点燃蜡烛或熏香.
  • 等到空气质量改善后再用吸尘器. (Vacuuming can re-circulate ash 和 particles that have settled on surfaces.)
  • Follow your doctor’s recommendations if you have asthma or heart or lung disease.

如果你必须离开你的家,因为污染, be sure to pack fresh masks 和 h和 sanitizer in case you need to shelter in a community setting with others.


