
Located in Baltimore, Maryl和 at the 约翰霍普金斯医院, the Kathryn O. 和Alan C. 格林伯格骨骼发育不良中心 brings together a multi-disciplinary team of doctors 和 staff dedicated to improving the quality of life for persons of short stature through healthcare, 医学, 教育, 和 providing resources for patients 和 their families.

The Greenberg Center is the longest-running clinic for patients with 骨骼发育不良. The Greenberg team provides medical care 和 resources to persons with dwarfism, trains 和 educates healthcare providers about 骨骼发育不良, 和 conducts new research to improve the lives of our patients.


Dr. Victor McKusick began seeing patients with 骨骼发育不良 和 other genetic conditions in the Moore Clinic at 约翰霍普金斯医院 in the late 1950’s. 1957年,博士. McKusick founded the Division of Medical Genetics in the Department of Internal Medicine. 到20世纪60年代初. McKusick began attending the Little People of America (LPA) meetings with assistance from Kay Smith 和 later Dee Miller.  He was a co-founder of the Medical Advisory Board of the LPA.

The 格林伯格骨骼发育不良中心 was established in 1990 by Kathryn 和 Alan Greenberg to support Dr. McKusick’s work caring for short stature patients 和 describing the unique features of each dysplasia diagnosis. 与奥. 和夫人. 格林伯格慷慨的礼物, the 格林伯格骨骼发育不良中心 also provides 教育 for patients, their families 和 their local healthcare providers. 自1990年以来, 该中心已经捐赠了100多美元,000 in 教育al scholarships to individuals with short stature 和 their families.

研究 conducted through the 格林伯格骨骼发育不良中心 has yielded dozens of papers in medical journals 和 presentations at national 和 international medical conferences 和 patient support group meetings, all intended to improve health care for this population.  读一本 骨骼发育不良治疗史 authored by 格林伯格骨骼发育不良中心 director, Dr. 朱莉Hoover-Fong. 自2010年以来, the center has grown to provide medical care 和 research opportunities for individuals with all types of genetic bone conditions including metabolic bone disorders, orofacial结晶 和 颅缝早闭.


We offer a wide range of services related to 骨骼发育不良. 请致电我们的办公室 410-614-0977 to set up an appointment or to find out more information.  

  • 综合诊断评价
  • 遗传咨询
  • Psychological 和 social support for our patients 和 their families
  • Coordination of care among the many specialty clinics at Johns Hopkins
  • 学习和生活资源 


If you have questions about the 格林伯格骨骼发育不良中心, please contact:

Clinical Operations 程序 Administrator
600 N. 沃尔夫街
电话: (410) 614-0977
传真:(410)502 - 2375
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