Neurosurgery Pain Research Institute

神经外科疼痛研究所是为了研究控制疼痛而成立的, preventing and eliminating neurosurgically related pain. 有一个巨大的需要建立一个科学的理论基础,以提高对慢性疼痛的理解, and devising new approaches to alleviating and preventing it.

该研究所将开展人类不同慢性疼痛状态机制的基础科学和临床研究,为合理治疗慢性疼痛提供依据. 我们的研究重点是神经系统疾病引起的疼痛以及神经外科手术带来的疼痛. 

$75 Million in Gifts Creates Neurosurgery Pain Research Center at Hopkins

More than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, some like patient Bob Salathe who had extreme neuropathic pain. 来自一对匿名夫妇的变革性礼物建立了约翰霍普金斯神经外科疼痛研究所和两个命名的教授职位, held by Allan Belzberg, MD, FRCSC进行了DREZ手术,减轻了Salathe的疼痛, MD, PhD, 谁的实验室专注于研究皮肤和其他组织中触发痛觉的哨兵神经元.

Programs and Research

Neurosurgery Pain Research Institute Scholar Award

The Neurosurgery Pain Research Scholar Awards are designed to fund students, 在约翰霍普金斯大学神经外科教授的指导下进行一至两年的疼痛研究培训的博士后研究员或住院医师.

Conquering Pain | A 40-Year Journey

1976年的一场车祸使俄亥俄州居民大卫·基斯林遭受了毁灭性的神经损伤和灼痛. An online search led him to neurosurgeon  and the , 基斯林的康复之旅能帮助研究人员更好地理解疼痛吗.

Kara Lockwood


Contact Us

The Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery Pain Research Institute
To Control, Prevent and Eliminate Pain
600 N. Wolfe Street
Phipps Bldg, Room 454
Baltimore, MD 21287
Fax: 410-614-0478
Email: [email protected]