爱心心脏病治疗 成人先天性心脏病中心


The Johns Hopkins 成人先天性心脏病中心 ensures continuity of care for congenital heart disease patients as they enter adulthood and throughout the rest of their lives.

Specialized Care

我们的专业诊所为成年的各个阶段提供护理. You may require care from an adult congenital heart disease specialist if you have congenital heart disease and:

  • Become pregnant 
  • Had surgical heart repairs 在童年时期就恶化了 over time

  • 随着年龄的增长,患上后天性心脏病,比如冠状动脉疾病
  • 出现肺动脉高压


在这个现场网络研讨会上,约翰霍普金斯大学专业训练的心脏病专家dr. Ari Cedars and Stacy Fisher discussed the specialized, lifelong care required for ACHD. 了解可用的治疗和管理方案, as well as the continuing tradition of groundbreaking care for congenital heart disease at Johns Hopkins.


Our center is one of the few in the region that specializes in adult congenital heart disease. 了解我们中心的独特之处.

Multidisciplinary Team

我们的多学科先天性心脏病专家团队, cardio-obstetric专家, 心血管外科医生和治疗师提供全面的护理, 为了方便起见,通常都安排在同一天.


Advanced Treatment

约翰霍普金斯大学的专家们积极从事前沿研究. 您将受益于我们的研究在治疗方面取得的突破性进展.


Personalized Care

我们与您一起制定个性化的治疗计划, ensuring you get the most out of life by reducing the number of hospital admissions and managing your adult congenital heart disease based on your experiences.



如果你或你所爱的人被诊断患有先天性心脏病, learn about the condition and treatments at the Johns Hopkins Cove Point Congenital Heart Resource Center.

Meet Our Experts


Our Clinics

Learn more about our multi-specialty clinics that serve adults diagnosed with congenital heart diseases (ACHD).

Cardio-Obstetrics Clinic

被诊断患有成人先天性心脏病的妇女在 Cardio-Obstetric Clinic. 我们的团队由心血管和 maternal-fetal medicine specialists will determine the safety of pregnancy and provide comprehensive care should you become pregnant.


Heart failure is common in patients diagnosed with adult congenital heart disease and requires specialized care. Our clinic assesses patients diagnosed with congenital heart disease and heart failure for heart transplant eligibility and care.


Patients diagnosed with adult congenital heart disease are at an increased risk of developing pulmonary hypertension. Our center partners with pulmonologists 晚期肺动脉高压的移植外科医生可能需要 lung transplant.

Fontan Clinic

方丹循环可导致多器官系统并发症. As a result, Fontan patients require lifelong specialized monitoring and multidisciplinary care. 我们的中心是Fontan患者从童年到成年的家. It is staffed by a multidisciplinary team to address all organ systems impacted by life with a Fontan circulation.

Locations for Care

Get treated for adult congenital heart disease at our nine convenient locations in the Baltimore and Greater Washington area.