two technicians looking at a vial of blood
two technicians looking at a vial of blood
two technicians looking at a vial of blood

What Does COVID Do to Your Blood?

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Reviewed March 3, 2022

COVID-19 is a very complex illness. 导致COVID-19的冠状病毒以多种不同的方式攻击身体, ranging from mild to life threatening. 身体的不同器官和组织都会受到影响,包括血液.

Robert Brodsky他是血液学部门的血液专家 Panagis Galiatsatos, a specialist in lung diseases and critical care medicine, 谈谈与SARS-CoV-2(导致COVID-19的冠状病毒)有关的血液问题,以及你应该知道的事情.

Coronavirus Blood Clots

血凝块会引起从轻微到危及生命的各种问题. If a clot blocks blood flow in a vein or artery, 通常由血管滋养的组织会缺氧, and cells in that area can die.

一些感染了SARS-CoV-2的人会出现血液凝固异常. “In some people with COVID-19, we’re seeing a massive inflammatory response, 细胞因子风暴会提高血液中的凝血因子,” says Galiatsatos, who treats patients with COVID-19.

“We are seeing more blood clots in the lungs (pulmonary embolism), legs (deep vein thrombosis) and elsewhere,” he says.

Brodsky notes that other serious illnesses, especially ones that cause inflammation, are associated with blood clots. 研究仍在探索在COVID-19严重病例中看到的血凝块是否在某种程度上是独一无二的. 

The Impact of Coronavirus Blood Clots Throughout the Body


The nervous system. Blood clots in the arteries leading to the brain can cause a stroke. Some previously young, 患有COVID-19的健康人群患有中风, possibly due to abnormal blood clotting.

The kidneys. Clogging of blood vessels in the kidney with blood clots can lead to kidney failure. 如果血块堵塞了用于清除血液杂质的机器的过滤器,也会使透析变得复杂.

Peripheral blood vessels and “COVID toe.“小血块会滞留在微小的血管中. 当这种情况发生在皮肤附近时,可能会导致皮疹. 一些COVID-19检测呈阳性的人会出现微小的血凝块,导致脚趾上出现红色或紫色的区域, which can itch or be painful. Sometimes called COVID toe, the rash resembles frostbite.

COVID-19, Blood and Immunity: A Pathway to Treatment?

Brodsky’s research 是否在研究一些冠状病毒患者身上发生的剧烈炎症, 这项研究可能会找到一种方法来防止COVID-19对某些人造成的毁灭性器官损伤.

布罗茨基和他的团队发现,冠状病毒上的刺突蛋白激活了免疫系统中被称为补体的部分, 劫持人体的免疫系统,使其对抗健康组织. 他的研究小组已经证明,阻断补体蛋白因子D可以阻断导致严重疾病和器官损伤的一系列事件.

“我们发现这种冠状病毒是如何激活免疫系统中的一系列反应,导致炎症和细胞破坏的,” Brodsky says. “Blocking this pathway can prevent that damage.”

Other diseases affect the body using a similar pathway. 布罗茨基和他的研究小组希望,目前正在开发的治疗这些疾病的药物可能会帮助COVID-19患者.


“COVID-19炎症会给患有血液疾病的人带来可怕的后果, including sickle cell disease,” Galiatsatos says.

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited blood disorder. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it affects one in about 365 Black Americans. It impacts the shape of red blood cells, which causes pain, organ damage and problems with blood flow. SCD also increases the risk for pneumonia and lung disease.

People with sickle cell disease, even those who are relatively young, 似乎面临严重COVID-19和不良后果的高风险, including death. Since SCD mostly affects Black people, 严重冠状病毒感染率较高也可能与长期感染有关 health disparities 这使得非裔美国人更容易感染冠状病毒引起的严重疾病. 更多的研究将揭示镰状细胞病和COVID-19之间的关系.

Can the coronavirus be spread through blood? Can mosquitoes transmit the coronavirus?

不献血或接受献血者的血液不是感染SARS-CoV-2的危险因素. 同样,也没有证据表明有人曾因蚊子叮咬而感染过这种病毒.

大多数人通过吸入感染者的飞沫或病毒颗粒而感染冠状病毒, especially in an enclosed area. 如果一个人接触到表面上有活性冠状病毒, 然后触摸他们的脸,让病毒进入他们的鼻子, eyes or mouth, the person can become infected that way, but this is not as common.

Can you donate blood if you’ve had the coronavirus?

Yes. 一旦你完全好了,你的医生说没关系,你就可以安全地献血了. 你血液中被称为血浆的部分甚至可能对其他推荐十大正规网赌平台有用. If you have successfully recovered from COVID-19, 你的血浆中可能含有冠状病毒的抗体,可以用来帮助另一个人对抗病毒.

Do some blood types mean a higher coronavirus risk?

Maybe, 但如果血型中的某些因素使人们更容易或更不容易感染COVID-19, the effects might not raise or lower the risk by much.

“有一些回顾性研究(对COVID-19感染者和未感染者进行比较)显示,O型血和B型血与感染SARS-CoV-2或患有严重COVID-19的风险较低之间可能存在相关性,” Galiatsatos says. “其中一些研究显示,a型或AB型血的人感染更严重.”

“But these observations result in questions, not answers,” Galiatsatos says, 他解释说,研究数据并不意味着某种特定的血型会导致严重的疾病,或者使人们更容易或更不容易感染病毒.

布罗茨基说,即使事实证明不同的血型会影响COVID-19的风险, the factor is likely to be very slight. For now, 科学家建议,不要因为血型而认为任何人感染冠状病毒的风险更低或更高.

This article was reviewed by Michael Streiff, M.D.约翰霍普金斯大学特殊凝血实验室的医学主任.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Scientist carefully insets a pipette into a test tube.

What you need to know from Johns Hopkins Medicine.