A mother comforts her upset daughter
A mother comforts her upset daughter
A mother comforts her upset daughter

Staying at Home During COVID-19: How to Help Teens Cope

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Published on June 16, 2020

就在青少年期待春夏的时候, 新冠肺炎疫情推迟或取消了许多活动,并限制了许多他们喜欢的活动, including parties, sports, and time spent in person with friends. 难怪许多青少年感到沮丧、愤怒和无聊.

These responses are normal, according to Johns Hopkins Children’s Center senior child life specialist Nilu Rahman, 对于父母如何帮助他们的孩子应对取消和推迟的失望,并充分利用他们在家的时间,谁能提供建议.

Teens Missing Out on Milestones

COVID-19大流行剥夺了许多即将毕业的高中毕业生和其他青少年的重要仪式, such as graduations, “senior week” activities, summer jobs, trips and celebrations.

“Teenagers are grieving,” Rahman says. “他们一直在努力工作,多年来一直期待着这些活动, 现在他们不能参加毕业舞会,也不能走上台领取文凭.”

根据拉赫曼的说法,有些损失是父母无法弥补的. 善意的父母可能会尝试提供某种替代品, but their good intentions don’t always pan out. “我认识的一位母亲试图为她的孩子举办一场毕业舞会,结果适得其反, and made the loss feel worse,” Rahman says.

As an alternative, 她建议青少年展望大流行后的未来, 然后构思出一个令人难忘又有趣的东西.

“我们问青少年,‘当你终于能够庆祝的时候,你希望它是什么样子的?’ We’re encouraging them to create collages, 愿景板和书面计划,这样他们就有了可以期待的东西, 即使它与他们最初描绘的不同.”

How Parents Can Help Teens Stuck at Home

“青少年被切断了正常的活动,困在家里,他们想要感觉自己有目标和意义,” says Rahman.


Support new structures


她建议:“不要让它们漫无目的地从一个小时流到下一个小时。. “给他们一个策略,帮助他们从一天中得到他们所能得到的一切.” A schedule might include time outside, 在保持社会距离的同时锻炼和参与社会联系, such as a Zoom or FaceTime game night.

Use screen time constructively

Teens love their phones and tablets, 因为它们几乎是青少年和朋友之间的生命线, 大流行可能会使限制屏幕时间变得困难.

拉赫曼说,一些社交媒体和在线时间可以用来启动和完成一个项目, something with a beginning, 中间和结尾可以给青少年一种成就感.

拉赫曼说:“青少年可以和朋友们成立一个读书俱乐部——一起读一本书,然后讨论它。. “They can use social media to try dance challenges, photography projects and other activities, based on their interests.”

Set boundaries and provide purpose

“As a parent, 你可以让你的孩子记住,大流行并不意味着他们可以在外面闲逛,直到另行通知,” Rahman says. “不要害怕分配家务,让青少年参与家庭工作, such as pitching in to prepare meals.

“即使你强迫他们出去散步或慢跑, they might grumble at first, but most teens actually appreciate it.”

Discuss the facts about COVID-19 and the pandemic

“青少年可以很容易地上网,他们读到的一些关于冠状病毒和大流行的东西可能会吓到他们, even if they don’t say so,” Rahman says. “父母应该确保孩子们不会掉进兔子洞,不会被虚假信息迷惑或吓倒.”

她建议每周定期签到,让孩子和成年人可以像家人一样使用值得信赖的工具讨论冠状病毒的信息, science-based sources. 这可以帮助消除误解,给父母一个机会诚实而清晰地回答青少年的问题.

Recognize hidden anxieties

Teenagers may act aloof and independent, 但在这种表象背后,他们可能隐藏着对COVID-19如何影响他们或他们所爱的人的恐惧.

他们可能特别担心那些有慢性健康问题的祖父母或父母,或者那些在医疗保健和其他急救人员等高风险行业工作的人, to grocery and delivery workers. 询问关于青少年担忧的开放式问题可能会给他们一个表达恐惧的机会.

当青少年明白他们的行为很重要时,他们会感到更有力量. Praising teens for behaviors such as hand-washing, 戴口罩和保持社交距离向他们表明,他们可以在保护自己和周围其他人的健康方面发挥作用.

Monitor teens’ mental health

拉赫曼说,父母应该关注青少年的心理健康. 她指出,在她与面临慢性疾病的青少年的工作中, 对未知的恐惧是那段经历中最艰难的部分. 她指出,COVID-19大流行给每个人的生活带来了一点恐惧.

“Parents know their children best,” she says, “so if something seems off about their teen, 他们应该相信自己的直觉,找出到底发生了什么, 尤其是如果孩子有抑郁或焦虑的病史.具体来说,她建议家长们要注意:

  • Sleep changes, such as sleeping more or insomnia
  • Eating a lot more or a lot less
  • Signs of self-harm or substance use disorder
  • Acting out more than usual

When parents note behavioral changes such as these, 打电话给家庭医生或心理健康医生可能是合适的.

“Help is available, 心理学家通过远程医疗访问为所有年龄段的人提供服务,” Rahman says.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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