Baldness (Alopecia)

What is baldness?

Baldness is hair loss, or absence of hair. It’s also called alopecia. Baldness is usually most noticeable on the scalp, 但可能发生在身体上任何毛发生长的地方. 这种情况在男性中比女性更常见.

What causes baldness?


  • Aging

  • Change in hormones

  • 导致头发脱落的疾病(称为休止期脱发)

  • Family history of baldness

  • Burns

  • Injury

  • Untreated ringworm of the scalp

  • Iron or protein deficiency

  • Excess vitamin A intake

  • Rapid weight loss

  • Certain medicines, such as cancer chemotherapy

  • Certain medical conditions, such as lupus


  • Poor circulation to the scalp

  • Dandruff

  • Wearing hats


What are the symptoms of baldness?

根据类型的不同,秃顶的症状也会有所不同. There are several types of baldness including:

  • Female-pattern baldness. Although less common, 女性型秃顶与男性型秃顶的不同之处在于,女性型秃顶的头发通常会变得稀疏. The hairline is maintained. 女性型秃顶很少会导致全部脱发.

  • Male-pattern baldness. Male-pattern baldness is usually inherited. The condition may begin at any age. 脱发通常从前部、两侧或头顶开始. 有些男性可能会出现秃斑或发际线后退. Others may lose all of their hair.

  • Alopecia areata. 这种脱发障碍的特点是在一个特定的区域突然失去头发. The hair grows back after several months. 然而,如果所有的体毛突然脱落,可能不会再生. 这种脱发的确切原因尚不清楚. 这不仅与遗传有关,还与自身免疫性疾病和过敏有关. If hair loss is complete on the scalp, it is called alopecia totalis, and if all body hair is lost, it is called alopecia universalis.

  • Toxic alopecia. 中毒性脱发可能发生在高烧或重病之后. Certain medicines, especially thallium, high doses of vitamin A, retinoids, and cancer medicines may also cause it. 医疗条件,如甲状腺疾病和分娩也可能引发中毒性脱发. 这种病的特点是暂时脱发.

  • Scarring or cicatricial alopecia. 疤痕区域可能会阻止头发重新长出来. 疤痕可能是由烧伤、受伤或x光治疗造成的. 然而,其他类型的可能导致脱发的疤痕可能是由疾病引起的. These include lupus, bacterial or fungal skin infections, lichen planus, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, or skin cancer.

  • Trichotillomania (hair pulling).Hair pulling may cause hair loss. This condition is common in young children.

How is baldness diagnosed?

除了病史和体格检查, 皮肤穿刺活检可能有助于确定秃顶的类型和/或其原因. A culture may be done if infection is suspected.

How is baldness treated?


  • How old you are

  • Your overall health and past health

  • How sick you are

  • 你能在多大程度上处理特定的药物、程序和治疗

  • How long the condition is expected to last

  • Your opinion or preference

Most forms of baldness have no cure. 有些类型的秃顶不需要治疗就会消失. Treatment may include:

  • 某些促进头发生长的药物(如米诺地尔和非那雄胺)

  • 皮质类固醇注射(治疗斑秃或其他导致脱发的炎症性疾病时)

  • Treating any underlying condition or disease

  • Hair transplants

  • Scalp reduction

  • Skin lifts and grafts

Hair Replacement Surgery

在过去的几年里,人们对换发的兴趣越来越大. 有许多替代头发的技术可用. 但是,头发置换手术不能帮助那些完全秃顶的人. 头发置换的候选人必须在头部后部和两侧有健康的头发生长. 头部后部和两侧的头发将作为头发供体,在那里将进行移植和皮瓣.


  • Hair transplant. During a hair transplant, 外科医生从头部的后部或两侧取下长有毛发的小块头皮用作移植物. 然后将这些移植物移植到秃发或变薄的区域.

  • Scalp expansion. In this procedure, 一种叫做组织扩张器的装置被放置在靠近秃发区域的长毛区域下面. 几周后,组织扩张器使皮肤长出新的皮肤细胞. 然后需要进行另一次手术,将新扩张的皮肤置于邻近的秃斑上.

  • Flap surgery. 皮瓣手术是覆盖大面积秃顶的理想手术. 在这个过程中,一部分秃发区域被移除,一块长有毛发的皮肤皮瓣被放置在秃发区域上,同时仍在一端连接到原有的血液供应.

  • Scalp reduction. 头皮减少是为了覆盖头顶和后脑的秃发区域. It involves first removing the bald scalp. 然后把长着头发的头皮部分拉到一起,填满秃顶的区域. 这可以单独进行,也可以与头发移植一起进行.


Baldness may lower cause self-esteem. 与植发手术相关的并发症包括:

  • Patchy hair growth. Sometimes, 新长出的头发看起来有些斑驳, 特别是如果它被放置在一个变薄的区域旁边. This can often be fixed with more surgery.

  • Bleeding and/or wide scars. 一些头皮复位技术造成的头皮紧张会导致大面积的疤痕和/或出血.

  • Grafts not taking. 偶尔,也有移植不成功的可能." If this is the case, surgery must be repeated.

  • Infection. 与任何外科手术一样,有感染的风险.

Key Points about Baldness

  • 秃顶,也被称为秃发,是脱发或没有头发.

  • Baldness is usually most noticeable on the scalp, 但可能发生在身体上任何毛发生长的地方.

  • 治疗秃顶取决于秃顶的类型及其潜在原因.

  • Most forms of baldness have no cure. 有些类型的秃顶会自行消失.

  • 与你的医疗保健提供者谈论你的秃顶以及如何治疗秃顶是很重要的.

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